#First author , * Corresponding author;中科院SCI期刊分区
1.Sheng Liu#,Bo Yang#, Yingxiang Hou#, Kaige Cui#, Xiaozhu Yang,Xiaoxiong Li, Lianwan Chen,Shichao Liu, Zhichao Zhang,Yuanyuan Jia, Yufeng Xie, Ying Xue,Xiaomei Li, Bingxue Yan, Changxin Wu,Wen Deng, Jianxun Qi, Defen Lu*, George F. Gao*, Peiyi Wang*, and Guijun Shang*; The mechanism of STING autoinhibition and activation, Molecular Cell, 2023, 83: 1-17.(1区top, IF(2022): 16, Co-first author)
2.Bo Yang#, Yuanyuan Jia#, Yumin Meng#, Ying Xue#, Kefang Liu#, Yan Li#, Shichao Liu, Xiaoxiong Li, Kaige Cui, Lina Shang, Shan Gao, Shu Zhuo, Weijin Huang*, George Fu Gao*, Jianxun Qi*, and Guijun Shang*; SNX27 suppresses SARS-CoV-2 infection by inhibiting viral lysosome/late endosome entry, PNAS, 2022 Jan 25;119(4).(1区top, IF(2022): 11.1, First author)
3.Bo Yang#; Qinghong Xue#; Jiaona Guo; Xueping Wang; Yanming Zhang; Kangkang Guo; Wei Li; Shuying Chen; Tianxia Xue; Xuefeng Qi*; Jingyu Wang*; Autophagy Induction by the Pathogen Receptor Nectin-4 and Sustained Autophagy Contributes to Peste des petits ruminants virus Infectivity, Autophagy, 2019, 16(5): 842-861.(1区top, IF(2022): 13.3, First author)
4.Bo Yang#; Qinghong Xue#; Xuefeng Qi; Xueping Wang; Peilong Jia; Shuying Chen; Ting Wang; Tianxia Xue; Jingyu Wang*; Autophagy enhances the replication of Peste des petits ruminants virus and inhibits caspase-dependent apoptosis in vitro, Virulence, 2018, 9(1): 1176-1194.(2区, IF(2022): 5.2, First author)
5.Bo Yang#; Xuefeng Qi#; Zhijie Chen; Shuying Chen; Qinghong Xue; Ting Wang; Jingyu Wang*; Binding and entry of peste des petits ruminants virus into caprine endometrial epithelial cells profoundly affect early cellular gene expression, Veterinary Research, 2018, 49(8): 1-17.(1区, IF(2022): 4.4, First author)
6.Bo Yang; Xuefeng Qi; Shuying Chen; Zhijie Chen; Ting Wang; Jingyu Wang*; Qinghong Xue*; Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Enters Caprine Endometrial Epithelial Cells via the Caveolae-Mediated Endocytosis Pathway, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9(210): 1-16.(2区top, IF(2022): 5.2, First author)
7.Bo Yang; Bin Yang; Xingna Shan; Xiaojun Ma; Xiangping Yin; Yun Zhang; Xi Lan*; Short communication: Immune responses in sows induced by porcine sapovirus virus-like particles reduce viral shedding in suckled piglets, Research in Veterinary Science, 2018, 117: 196-199.(2区, IF(2022):2.4, First author)
8.Wu Ning#;Yang Bo#; Wen Bo; Ting Wang; Jingyu Wang*; Interactions Among Expressed MicroRNAs and mRNAs in the Early Stages of Fowl Adenovirus Aerotype 4-Infected Leghorn Male Hepatocellular Cells. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11:831.(2区top, IF(2022): 5.2, Co-first author)
9.Wu Ning#;Yang Bo#; Wen Bo; Wei Li; Jingyu Wang*; Pathogenicity and Immune Responses in Specific-Pathogen-Free Chickens During Fowl Adenovirus Serotype 4 Infection. Avian Diseases, 2020, 64(3).(4区, IF(2022): 1.4, Co-first author)